Random Acts of Kindness

Posted by on January 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

It was mid-morning and mid-week in Phoenix, AZ. The sun was shining brightly as it usually does. I always carry oranges in my car during the winter months and give one or two to the homeless people who are asking for money on the street corners. I had given all my oranges away this particular morning however, there was a young man in his mid-30’s approaching. I wanted to give him something then all of a sudden, I remembered the purple rubber bracelet around my wrist that said, What Would Love Do Right Now? I opened my window and flagged him down. He saw me take the bracelet off my wrist and he reached out for it. He read it, put it on his wrist, stopped in his tracks and said, “This means more to me than anything anyone could give me. Thank you so much. You are like an angel from heaven. I feel so much more hopeful that my situation will turn around.” Then he bowed his head toward me. We smiled in reverence at one another. It was one of the moments where time stands still.

I’ve found that in the moments when I am a bit troubled with something in my own life, if I reach out to someone less fortunate than myself, I feel so blessed and my seeming trouble lessens considerably or the solution to my problem pops into my head.

What Random Act of Kindness can YOU do today to make a difference in the life of another?