How to Love Series :: 14 of 17

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How to Love Series :: 14 of 17

Design Your Ideal Day

Living consistent with your purpose, what would your ideal day look like from the moment you wake up until your head hits the pillow at night?

The power of designing your ideal day is that it pulls you into action consistent with what you say you want. Now is the time to playfully create your ideal day—with no limits on time, money, location, or obligation. What would it look like, feel like, be like? Are you alone or with others; working, playing, relaxing, vacationing; are you happy, joyful, grateful, loving, peaceful; is it creative, productive, inspiring, easygoing; does it align with your purpose?

What new strategies and options can you implement? What and/or whom might you need to let go of or bring into your life? What do you need to learn, do, create, or release to have your ideal day be your reality? What is the future you want to live into?

I created my ideal day by examining the following five questions:
• What am I doing?
• When am I doing it?
• Who’s with me?
• Where am I?
• How do I feel?

My Ideal Day

I wake up at six o’clock, after eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, happy, refreshed, and ready for a new adventure. There is a gentle breeze and the sun is shining through the open window in my spacious, well-lit home overlooking a tropical beach. I put on a lightweight, cotton sundress over my swimsuit, then putter for about half an hour, while enjoying a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice. Before heading out for a long, energizing walk on the beach to my favorite writing spot, I gather up my writing pad, a pen, a protein drink, a wide-brimmed hat and my sunglasses. When I come to the peaceful, secluded cove where the waves gently lap along the white, sandy beach, I sit down, get comfortable, finish my protein drink, and spend the next hour expressing my passion through writing. If the download is flowing, I stay even longer.

I joyfully return home and find my beloved Bernie in the shower, I eagerly join him and afterwards we put on soft, romantic music and make love.

Later we get dressed and eat a delicious, organic garden salad for lunch. Then, Bernie goes to work and I walk down the hall to my office where I support my clients in creating their extraordinary lives.

After Bernie gets home at six o’clock, I prepare dinner while he goes for a walk. We have a delightful and delicious meal of fresh fish, wild rice, and organic vegetables. Around eight o’clock, we go to our favorite coffeehouse, have dessert with close friends, and listen to some live, acoustic music.

We return home and sit quietly on the deck holding hands, stargazing by the light of the moon. At ten o’clock I crawl into bed; Bernie comes in to snuggle; after a few minutes, he leaves to have some alone time; then I drift off to sleep feeling loved, grateful, and fulfilled.

Love and Be Loved

Restoring love in all areas of my life make a real difference. You can read the guide to living an extraordinary life in my Amazon #1 Bestselling bookWhat Would Love Do Right Now?

Consider there are only two predominant things going on in your life. You either have something you don’t want (shame, blame, guilt, anger, envy, frustration, resentment, or regret). Or, you want something you don’t have.

Support is Available

With over 30 years of providing Mind/Body Repatterning breakthrough results, feel free to schedule a session with me at Sessions available in person or by phone.

What can I expect from my session? We will identify and release negative beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, habits, and detrimental patterns that prevent you from living an extraordinary life. After your session is complete, the ability to have more love, adventure, creativity, passion, and joy is possible.

Lovingly Submitted,
Victoria Benoit, M.C.
Mind/Body Repatterning Practitioner, Speaker, Bestselling Author

Success Stories abound!

Insights into Love


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