Heal My Heart Series :: 2 of 22

To really love, first learn to forgive.
Forgiveness accomplishes miracles. Using the three magical words, I AM SORRY, frees you from past hurts you’ve received and given. This can support you in emerging as your authentic self—to live a fully magical life!
Release what binds you to the past. When your past is unresolved, it not only impacts your life today, it also impacts your future. Your old thoughts and patterns will continue to show up in your life until you heal them. How can you create a magical life if your past is interfering?
Life is too short to keep struggling. This process is for the courageous among us. You will take an inner journey into some unhealed territory, but the rewards will be worth it—I promise. Some areas may take more courage, especially the ones where you take responsibility for the hurt you have caused other people. The key is to have compassion for yourself and others.
Get rid of what’s holding you back. The more you allow yourself to explore unhealed areas within yourself, the greater the outcome. As you complete each process, it’s important to take the time to notice the freedom you have created to live a magical life.
Stop feeling forsaken and disconnected. I encourage you to heal all the relationships in your life, beginning with those that are usually most impactful through those which, in many cases, have less significance. Although you can do this work in any order you choose, I recommend starting with your parents and continuing with your intimate partners, your children and siblings, your extended family, your friends, teachers, coaches, clergy, and your work associates. Be sure to go at your own pace.
Let go of bitterness and resentment. Balance is the key! As you are healing and making changes in your life, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and frustrated. Be gentle with yourself, love yourself, and pace yourself. Take your time. This isn’t a race. It’s a journey into your inner world, where the limitations that stop you from living a magical life are patiently waiting to be transformed.
Does the Magical Healing Process really make a difference? Yes, you can read all about it in my Amazon #1 Bestselling book—and, I can assure you that with over 30 years of providing Mind/Body Repatterning™ breakthrough results, there is no hope in avoidance. Going into the unknown parts of yourself from your past may not be easy, however, it is necessary if you want to live a magical life.
There are only two predominant things going on in your life. You either have something you don’t want (shame, blame, guilt, anger, envy, frustration, resentment, or regret). Or, you want something you don’t have.
Is transformational support available? For those who want to have an extraordinary, remarkable, exceptional, outstanding, incredible, phenomenal, unbelievable, amazing, astonishing, astounding, marvelous, fantastic, magnificent, wonderful, sensational, miraculous, fabulous, stupendous, out of this world, terrific, awesome, and wondrous life, feel free to book a Mind/Body Repatterning session with me at ExtraordinaryOutcomes.com.
What can I expect from my session? We will identify and release negative beliefs, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, habits, and detrimental patterns that prevent you from living a magical life. After your session is complete, the ability to experience more love, adventure, creativity, passion, and joy is possible.
Lovingly Submitted,
Victoria Benoit, M.C.
Mind/Body Repatterning Practitioner, Speaker, Bestselling Author
Success Stories abound!
“Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs.” ~ Marianne Williamson