Three Magical Words for a Magical Life
Contemplation. Three magical words? What could they possibly be? And, can they really create a magical life? You’ve heard the words all your life. You’ve said them many times. You’ve probably never considered them to be magical. However, I can assure you using them authentically is magical indeed!
Bemusement. I interviewed many people and not one person correctly answered the question, “What are the three magical words?” The most common answer was, “I love you.” Truth be told, it’s much easier to say, “I love you,” than it is to say the three magical words. What do you think they are?
Revelation. The final hint is that they must be genuinely said with complete sincerity. Give up? Those three magical words are—I am sorry. When heard from another or spoken by you with the heartfelt assurance that the inappropriate behavior will not be repeated, these words become truly magical.
Graciousness. It takes courage, empathy, and personal responsibility to offer a sincere apology. For most of us, protecting and defending our actions, with reasons and excuses, happens long before we consider saying, “I am sorry.”
Liberation. I reveal a four-step process you can use to release yourself from the pain of past experiences, clean the slate, and gain a greater capacity to enjoy more love and freedom in your relationships. You can apply this process of forgiveness and amends to all areas of your life.
Implementation. You will learn to bring these three magical words to life and experience them in a whole new way. In your workplace, watch the productivity soar—with your friendships, feel them deepen and expand—in your intimate relationships, experience the power of these three magical words for a magical life.
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