Heal My Heart Series :: 5 of 22

Heal My Heart Series :: 5 of 22

It’s important to heal the hurt and pain from the past. Magical words that make a difference. Many books have been written about magical words. The words that I want to talk about, you may not have previously thought were magical. Nevertheless, they are magical indeed! I bet you are wondering what the three words are. Perhaps you think they are, “I love you.” Actually, it’s much easier to say, “I love you,” than to say the three magical words,...

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Heal My Heart Series :: 6 of 22

Heal My Heart Series :: 6 of 22

The way to release this bitterness is through forgiveness. Let’s talk about forgiveness. Dr. Rick Hindmarsh said, “I have been a physician for four decades and have seen more lives destroyed by bitterness than cancer, addiction, heart disease, diabetes, and contagious diseases combined.” The moment we take on the harm of an incident, bitterness sets in, which can destroy us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The way to...

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Heal My Heart Series :: 7 of 22

Heal My Heart Series :: 7 of 22

Be courageous—making amends is worth it. Making amends. To bear your soul and admit that you have made a mistake, or said something you regret, takes a big person. To honor another as you would like to be honored, and treat another as you want to be treated, is a special gift you bring to yourself and the other person. To be open and vulnerable takes a lot of courage. Be courageous—making amends is worth it. Receiving amends. When someone...

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Heal My Heart Series :: 8 of 22

Heal My Heart Series :: 8 of 22

Turn your wounds into wisdom. The Magical Healing Process. It’s not just about saying the words, “I am sorry,” it’s about having these three words make a positive difference in your relationships and your life. By taking your precious time to engage in the Healing Process, you can free yourself to have a magical life. Here’s the recipe I discovered that really works. The Magical Healing Process with those who have harmed YOU is...

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Heal My Heart Series :: 9 of 22

Heal My Heart Series :: 9 of 22

Set yourself free. Start here. START NOW! Applying the Magical Healing Process to people who have harmed you. This recipe has four ingredients: 1) recalling and recording incidents from your past; 2) releasing your associated feelings; 3) energetically giving the responsibility back to the other person; and 4) receiving the other person’s sincere apology. Recalling. Within a relationship category—your parents, your intimate partners, your...

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